Thursday, November 24, 2016

VCSA: Where does vCenter Appliance stores its Performance Chart connect string.

Be reminded that this is going through JDBC instead of ODBC. This piece is responsible for Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Yearly Performance Chart.


driver = org.postgresql.Driver
dbtype = PostgreSQL
url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/VCDB
username = vc
password = w4%wH3@!BybXd
password.encrypted = false

VCSA: Where does vCenter Appliance store the ODBC settings?

It resides in /etc/odbc.ini

[VMware VirtualCenter]
;DB_TYPE = PostgreSQL
;SERVER_NAME = localhost
;USER_ID = vc
Application Attributes = T
Attributes = W
BatchAutocommitMode = IfAllSuccessful
CloseCursor = F
DisableDPM = F
DisableMTS = T
Driver = PostgreSQL
DSN = VMware VirtualCenter
EXECSchemaOpt =
EXECSyntax = T
Failover = T
FailoverDelay = 10
FailoverRetryCount = 10
ForceWCHAR = F
Lobs = T
Longs = T
MetadataIdDefault = F
QueryTimeout = T
ResultSets = T
ServerName = localhost
PortNumber = 5432
Server = localhost
Port = 5432
SQLGetData extensions = F
Translation DLL =
Translation Option = 0
DisableRULEHint = T
UserID = vc
User = vc
Database = VCDB
Logging = 0
QuotedId = Yes
AnsiNPW = Yes
Mars_Connection = No
ByteaAsLongVarBinary = 1
BoolsAsChar = 0
UseDeclareFetch = 1
Fetch = 1024

Friday, November 18, 2016

VCSA 6.5 Failed to complete.

Deployed in various hosts with the same results.

Encountered an internal error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/vmidentity/firstboot/", line 2018, in main vmidentityFB.boot() File "/usr/lib/vmidentity/firstboot/", line 349, in boot self.configureSTS(self.__stsRetryCount, self.__stsRetryInterval) File "/usr/lib/vmidentity/firstboot/", line 1479, in configureSTS self.startSTSService() File "/usr/lib/vmidentity/firstboot/", line 1141, in startSTSService returnCode = self.startService(self.__sts_service_name, self.__stsRetryCount * self.__stsRetryInterval) File "/usr/lib/vmidentity/firstboot/", line 88, in startService return service_start(svc_name, wait_time) File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/", line 784, in service_start raise ServiceStartException(svc_name) ServiceStartException: { "resolution": null, "detail": [ { "args": [ "vmware-stsd" ], "id": "install.ciscommon.service.failstart", "localized": "An error occurred while starting service 'vmware-stsd'", "translatable": "An error occurred while starting service '%(0)s'" } ], "componentKey": null, "problemId": null }
This is an unrecoverable error, please retry install. If you run into this error again, please collect a support bundle and open a support request.

Currently, this seem like a known issue or user error.

According to inside information, the DNS for IPV6 was not set, so the workaround is the echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts right after Stage 1 is completed. ssh into the appliance to append the localhost. This is thanks to my colleague A.S.

Prior to Stage 2, there will be a screen asking if 'ssh' to be enabled. Check that box to enable the ssh and get the following command ready. Upon clicking on Finish, the ssh will be enabled immediately. At this point, ssh into the appliance and quick changing the /etc/hosts file.

echo echo "::1 localhost.localdom localhost" >> /etc/hosts

Note: echo is a standard linux command. In order to execute it, it needs to be in the shell. vcsa entry menu is not in default shell. User will need to switch it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

New Changes in VCSA 6.5 Web installs

VCSA6.5. New features include additional Migrate and Restore.  VCSA no longer offers external database deployment to Oracle. That option screen simply no longer there. I guess default to vPostgresql now. vCenter install probably still have the external feature.

Stage 2 installation has been created and some of the early installation such as SSO and shh enablement has been pushed to that stage. Basically, nothing much changed in that area.

VCSA Web Install seems to be lot faster.

VCSA 6.0

VCSA 6.5 is using VMware Photon OS now.