Friday, November 22, 2019

VMware Workstation Exception 0x0000005 (access violation) has occurred.

The exception basically means the VM directory has been moved from one place to another while it was in Suspended mode.

The state of the VM before resuming. In multiple places, it has an indication that the VM is in Suspended mode.

Here is how to get it back to working state. Simple go over to the VM's directory and remove the suspended file. Whatever recorded in there including the previous location, has been altered/changed. It doesn't know what to do with the new vmss file. Delete the file and start as usual. The VM should not sure of any signs of Suspended or resume operation. It will run as a fresh start. You will lose all the works before the suspend that took place. But at least, the VM is accessible again.

This is the expected behavior. VMware Workstation should really provide better hints than just the exception codes and logs isn't any help for self-diagnostic.