Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Connecting to VC6.7 postgresql database with pgadmin4


A quick guide on how to connect to vCenter vPostgresql with pgadmin4.

PGAdmin4 download


Replace IPV4. Opening up everything. Cautious with this option. In the pg_hba.conf 

host     all               all                trust

Go back to psql and reload

select pg_reload_conf()

Note: If this do not work, stop and start all vCenter services.

/usr/bin/service-control --stop --all
/usr/bin/service-control --start vpostgres

Event hough the server is pingable, the port 5432 may be blocked. . To enable incoming traffic to 5432. This step is required or it will error out "Unable to Connect to server" during the Create server process.


iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port  5432 -j ACCEPT

Users can either connect with "vc" or "postgres" user. 

All the connectivity parameters for vc user can be found in "/etc/vmware/service-state/vpxd/vcdb.properties". As for connecting with postgres user, password can be located in "$HOME/.pgpass"

Make sure the VC.net is pingable.