Tuesday, December 25, 2018

VCSA root partition filled up.

Symptoms vCenter Server Appliance root partition filled up 100%.

  1. Unable to log in through ssh with root and triggering "Access Denied" message.
  2. Unable to start vPostgresql likely due to unable to generate a single bit of write to postgresql.log and etc.
  3. Unable to start vCenter Appliance (obviously)
  4. In an attempt to change the root pass will exhibit the following errors. The following error of " passwd: Authentication token manipulation error." typically means filesystem is read-only. This might explain it that, since the / is filled up 100%, not a single bit can be written to it.

To solve this issue, simply login from the appliance console through GRUB.


Instead of at Step # 7, you can navigate around the system and look for big logs (du -h or ls -las) that might have caused the "/" to fill up 100% and remove it. 

If all the filesystem growth is legitimate then the only option is to grow the / filesystem.

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